WHAT: Breathwork Workshops with Ranya Renee
WHEN: Sunday March 24
12-2pm: Breathwork for Belly Dance Performance
WHERE: Bellyqueen School @Playwrights, 440 Lafayette St, 4th Floor, Studio 4D, New York, NY 10003
Breathwork for Performance: $45, $40 unlimited pass members
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After our popular February Breathwork workshop, Ranya returns to offer this continuation! Use your breathing as a tool for confidence and connection onstage.
Ranya’s transformative Breathwork for Performance method, has, since 1996, helped thousands of dance performers to build their stage presence and confidence, and better connect with their audiences.
This workshop will have new material for those who attended in
February, and even if it's your first time, you will catch on quickly
and be able to apply Breathwork for Performance techniques to your dance right away.
In this workshop, you’ll learn simple techniques to enhance your
focus, get out of your head, push past your blocks and expand your impact… all by linking your breathing to your relationship with the audience. This method also helps you get sync with musicians, and with fellow dancers if you are in a company.
And you’ll learn how to claim a performance space for yourself, and how to cast a spell over an audience, bringing them into your world. The tools look invisible to the audience when done well, but the power they have is substantial: Your energy and passion will fill the performance space, and touch people’s emotions.
You'll be more connected to your movements, and be able to slay those self-critical voices in your head.
Once you start working this way in performance, you’ll never go back to regular unconscious breathing again.
Suitable for movers of all styles and experience levels.
WHO: Ranya Renee, of New York City, has been dancing since 1990, and teaching oriental dance and performance skills since 1996. Her approach has been shaped by coaching from Egyptian masters in classic oriental and awalem styling (especially Mona el Said, Nany, Nelly, Dandash, and Eman Zaki) and in modern and folklore styles (especially Mahmoud Reda and Yousry Sharif), as well as through her studies in alignment-focused yoga and Pilates (which she also teaches). Her method supports a healthy, centered, grounded way of dancing, to feel good, execute movements well, and protect the body from injury by using muscular support for the joints used in traditional movements. Ranya is known for her instructional DVDs (Bellydance Egyptian Style: The Baladi, Bellydance Egyptian Style: Modern Oriental, and Bellydance Taqasim: Improvisation Skills & Drills), international workshops, and online programs and performance coaching series (https://gingercity.com). She also gives free talks for dancers in her Facebook group (Ginger City Community). Ranya holds a bachelor's degree in theatre and linguistics, and a master's degree in cognitive psychology.