WHAT: "Karma” - A Fusion Sword Choreography excerpt
In this fusion sword workshop, we will focus on unusual and dynamic techniques, meant to unite you with your prop as one through a series of elegant combinations, which will be put together into a choreography excerpt. We are going to focus on the creative movement possibilities that can be done before balancing the sword on the head as well as working to take the upper body off the central axis. This workshop will have very little floorwork (standing option will be provided as well). With lots of gentle drills and optional layers, we will work on deepening and strengthening our technique, creating clean lines in space and within our bodies and improving our isolation technique. If you don't have a sword, most of the choreography can be executed with a cane - only a few moments are sword-specific. This is a single sword choreography class. Extra canes will be on hand to borrow.
Masks for this workshop are optional (Irina will be masked due to her extensive travel schedule just as a safety precaution and asks for anyone with any kind of symptoms to mask up as well).
WHEN: Sat July 1st 1-3pm
WHERE: Bellyqueen @Playwrights, 440 Lafayette St, 4th Floor, Studio 4A, New York, NY 10003
INVESTMENT: Sliding scale pay what you can
$45, $50, $55
Sign Up Now!
WHO: Irina Akulenko is a New York City-based performer, teacher and choreographer with a burning passion for arts of all genres. Although she discovered Middle Eastern dance purely by chance, her interest in expression started at an early age and was channeled into ballet training, in addition to piano and voice lessons as well as drawing. Since 2001, Irina explored Egyptian Cabaret and American Tribal style belly dance, Flamenco and Classical Indian dances (focusing mainly on Odissi) and now enjoys fusing these styles as well as everything in between. Today, Irina performs on various New York stages and tours nationally and internationally as a soloist and as member of various stellar projects. She released three instructional DVDs with World Dance New York and has two instructional series of videos with the popular website “Howcast.com”. Furthermore, she holds a Bachelors degree in Political Science, and has a strong interest in women's issues and visual arts. www.DanceIrina.com